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Sri Ramadass SA, Hon’ble Minister for Medical Education, GOK inaugurated the centre at 11 am on Thursday, 17 November 2011, in the august presence of Dr Sriprakash K S, ViceChancellor of RGUHS and Sri Ramachandre Gowda, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission.

Twenty four interns from Mandya Medical College attended the one day Basic Skills course designed for interns, duty doctors and residents. Skills needed in emergency department were taught.

Here are some of the comments / responses made by the attendees:

  • This course should have been taken at the start of internship.
  • The content of food had to be better; we should have been provided with a small notebook and pen; Rest was all super!!
  • This is a new way of teaching; different one; practical aspects is very good.
  • Even though we had worked in OT and casualty, we can now do these things in a proper way; thanks a lot for providing this opportunity.

Junior residents from two corporate hospitals attended the Basic Skills Course on 28 Nov 2011

Here is what one of them had to say:
The course was awesome; this should be conducted more frequently; awareness should be created about the importance of this course.

Upcoming Programs

  • Basic Surgical Skills course day


Clinical Skills Center
BMC Alumni Building,
Bangalore Medical College
Campus Fort ,
Bangalore - 560002.

Landline No.: 080 26703202
Fax: 080-26703202
Recognised as ‘Centre of excellence’ by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences